
张大妈家的kimi838 张大妈家的kimi838 2019-09-17 12:55

与此同时,Verge 也在一篇长文里讨论了当下美国 5G 的基本情况,除了网络更快一点之外,与 4G 的区别不大:

What can 5G get you that LTE can’t? Yes, downloading entire movies or seasons from Netflix in a matter of seconds is an impressive tech demo. And the low-latency of 5G will vastly improve the experience of streaming video games — when the networks actually start to offer that low latency. As of now, they still aren’t.


Those of us who tested T-Mobile’s Galaxy S10 5G in New York on a blazing summer day found that it frequently dropped back down to 4G due to overheating. Pressing an iced coffee up against your phone to get it performing optimally again isn’t anyone’s dream of 5G.


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